Stud rail is a popular choice for horse and pony fencing as an alternative to post and rail thanks to its simple yet sturdy design and ease of erection. Once erected stud rail also offers low maintenance requirements and will look good for years.

Before you start

Ensure that you have a clear and precise plan for the project. Create a to scale guide factoring in any gates, incline or declines in the land and obvious considerations such as access gates for vehicles, drink or food equipment or any field maintenance equipment.

Think about the materials you’ll be using to complete your project, after all this addition to the land is one which will remain for years so you will want to ensure materials used are fit for purpose.

Materials required for stud rail fencing

Intermediate timber posts - quantities dependant on paddock size however we recommend one post every 1.8 – 3m.

Remember that a stronger fence run will be achieved with closer post spacings.

Strainer timber posts - quantities dependant on paddock size however remember that the strainer provides more strength to a fence line than the intermediate posts. We do not recommend straining more than a 100m run.

For guidance on what timber to use take a look at our Complete Guide to Timber, however as a general rule of thumb we always recommend round UC4 treated pine redwood or pressure creosoted or sawn posts where ground contact is required.

Any access gates, nails & post driving machinery - gates available in timber or steel.

Stud rail and stud rail clamps - we stock stud roll in both 75mm and 100mm options, in a choice of white and brown.

Step 1

Install your strainers. Remember that the main job of the strainer is to add strength to the run, so ensure time and effort is spent to achieve a good strong holding in the ground. Solid strainers is especially important when erecting stud fence as it will help keep the high tensile wire found within the stud rail taut.

Step 2

Drill strainer posts to take high tensile stud rail wires.

Step 3

Set your fence posts. These should be spaced between 1.8m – 3m apart however better results will be achieved with closer spacings.

These should sit along the centre line of the strainer post with intermediate offset.

Step 4

Attach the stud rail. Roll out the stud rail on the fixing side and cut back one end to expose the wire. Pass the wire through the pre drilled holes in the straining posts and tighten the ratchets securing the ends.

Step 5

Fix the stud rail brackets to the posts ensuring it remains smooth and untwisted. Tighten the stud rail using the end ratchet strainers.

Tip - To save waste, stud rail can be joined together by the use of a torpedo joiner. Simply cut back the plastic leaving a tongue and just slide together


Although this product will last many years, we recommend regular monitoring of the fence using the ratchets to ensure the tension remains.

We hope you found our guide useful.  If you have any more questions and would like to speak to a member of our experienced team you can do so by calling 03330 050115 or by getting in touch online.

Otherwise, browse our range of stud rail to find the supplies you need for the job!

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