Thank you to everyone who entered and the 12 lucky teams who were drawn and took part in the British Open Fencing Competition 2022. What a show of skill, strength and determination it was.

Thank you to our Judges Ross Heaven, Ash Lane, Marc Preston and Peter Clark of the AFI.
Thanks to Stuart Mills, Marc and Peter for collating the rules and making it possible.
Thank you to the suppliers Summit Steel, Landguard and McVeigh Parker for the quality materials.
Thank you to Jock Bryce of Bruce Suma and Simon Dale of Solo fencing systems for helping with the dismantling.

The Results
1st Place - Morgan fencing and HVB – 175 points
2nd Place – PDR Contracting & SRM Fencing – 157 points
3rd Place – MJ Evans – 154 points

Congratulations everyone.

Here are some of our favourite photos from the British Open Fencing Competition 2022.