McVeigh Parker customer Matthew Cooper from East Kent Yard and Paddock Maintenance tells us his experience with Dura² and why it is the go to option for equestrian fencing.

East Kent yard & paddock maintenance owner Matthew Cooper said ” I have been installing Horserail for some years now which has a 30 year warranty, I also install a lot of X fence equine netting, so when we are installing it the post choice is critical. We need something that will enable the fence to last its desired lifespan and to ensure that the client gets the best return on their investment.

With Dura2 coming to market it has given us an ideal product to pair with Horserail. And X fence wire netting. The appearance of it is a bonus but the real advantage is that it's expected to last without having to select creosote posts. Creosote and white horses isn't always a good thing and in some equine applications creosote can't be used due to the risk of ingestion and the resulting affects on blood tests.

So we are really pleased to be going on the Dura2 journey across all of our fencing where practical. It's a pleasure to handle and the selection of posts so far have put up with some real hammering with the post knocker in the dry hard ground.”

Intermediate Posts - 1.8m x 90mm Dura² stakes

Wire Type - XHT11-122-7.5 X fence

Gates - Severn rail Ashbourne D loop gate

Extras - Horse friendly auto catch bolt and drive hinges with anti lift collars.

STRAINERS - 2.4m x 160mm Dura² strainers
STRUTS - 2.4m x 90mm Dura²


Read more about Dura², the environmentally friendly and the cost effective alternative to creosoted timber here.